Supply Chain Secrets

NYSHEX Market Intelligence with Lars Jensen from Vespucci Maritime


History may not repeat itself, but it most certainly rhymes.

Last week Donald Davis sat down with the esteemed Lars Jensen to discuss what has been happening in the markets and what to expect going forward. Strikes, disruptions, reduced capacity, rate changes, IMO, new alliances. This episode covers a ton and provides some market context that you wont want to miss.

If you’re looking for an efficient way to stay up to date, go give it a listen.

In this week’s episode, you'll get to hear about:

✔️ The next 12 months for spot and contract rates

✔️ Carrier alliance and potential scenarios for networks next

✔️ New capacity and the outlook for IMO 2023

And plenty more 🔥 advice!


#logistics #technology
