Supply Chain Secrets

Digital Infrastructure - The Pipes and Plumbing of the Global Shipping Market


Digital infrastructure is all around us.

But it hasn’t always been that way. From the backbone of the internet to the evolution of cloud services, many other industries have witnessed periods of rapid digitization in order for opportunity, growth, and innovation to be experienced.

This week we sat down with the Co-Founder and CEO of NYSHEX, Gordon Downes, and Executive Chairman, Jesper Præstensgaard, to discuss how the global shipping industry has reached a tipping point toward establishing common standards through harmonized digital infrastructure.

In this week’s episode, you'll get to hear about:

✔️ what digital infrastructure looks like today and how it relates to global shipping

✔️ the evolution of digital infrastructure over the last twenty years

✔️ why digital infrastructure is essential to any market

✔️ how global shipping is entering a new age of harmonized digitization

And plenty of other 🔥 insights!


#logistics #technology
