Supply Chain Secrets

Key Tactics in Allocation and Forecasting for Shippers and Carriers


It’s a bittersweet moment for the Supply Chain Secrets team.

In this episode, we say farewell to our co-host and friend, Bryan Most, as he departs for his new endeavor. While Donald Davis and Bryan reminisce we also welcome Lynn Wong to the show to discuss new allocation management strategies being developed by enterprise shippers today.

There’s a ton of great insight in this episode and it’s a sneak peek of what’s to come this season on Supply Chain Secrets.

In this week’s episode, you'll get to hear about:
✔️ Where Bryan is headed next in his journey
✔️ Allocation and forecasting methods of shippers in 2021
✔️ How supply chains are rethinking allocation tools via contracting
✔️ Common pain points among shippers and carriers

And plenty more 🔥 advice!

🎧 Feel free to listen to the full episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcasting app 🎧

👇 Link to the episode is in the comment section👇

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